Search Results for: J-Pouch

New Year, New Jpouch

A guest post from my Twitter friend, Laura who joins me in 2015 with a new year of “health” with a new j-pouch! She’s super sweet and fun! I encourage you all to follow her. Thanks, for your help, Laura!!! New Year, New Jpouch.  By Laura (@ucGirl_2008) I don’t usually make New Year resolutions. Even when made with the best of…

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The Ghost of Christmas 2013

Like many bloggers this time of year, I am writing a Christmas post. Google “Christmas Blog” and you’ll come up with 580,000,000 results. We really don’t need another Christmas Post, do we? But here I am. Why? Because last year at Christmas, I was in the hospital. In the hospital on 40mg of Prednisone with severe dehydration.  December 2013…

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