Search Results for: J-Pouch

Acute Pouchitis: What J-Pouchers Should Know

Pouchitis, you’ve heard about it. But what is it exactly? I have been wanting to write a post about pouchitis for quite some time now. I wrote a general overview of complications that can arise after ileal-pouch anal anastomosis (you can read about that here). While many patients (up to 40%) will develop pouchitis within the first year after…

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J-Pouch Success – Jordan’s Story

J-Pouch Takedown Anniversary Next month is my 5 year takedown anniversary for my j-pouch. I have stated many times that the j-pouch has a 94-96% success rate. But you don’t hear many success stories on the internet because most of them are out there living their lives and not boasting about it on the internet. Because you don’t hear…

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