Search Results for: J-Pouch

End the Burn: World IBD Day 2017

World IBD Day 2017 Here we are again. This is my third year participating in World IBD and I am SO excited! Awareness and advocacy is my passion and any chance to get a little extra awareness in is always good. So what is World IBD Day? According to, it’s a day led by world-wide patient organizations and…

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Looking Back at 3 Years Ago

Me? A Mom? I’ve never really thought of myself as the motherly type. Don’t get me wrong; babies are cute and all that. But I’ve never been drawn to them like most women are. I don’t go ga ga whenever I see a random baby.  I’ve never had baby fever. In fact, the maternal pull seems to have skipped…

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Second Trimester!!!

Baby Ninja Week 14 I Made it to the SECOND Trimester! Well, week 14 was an interesting one. I felt good most days and was able to accomplish a lot. I even had my second prenatal visit (approximately 6 weeks until I find out if Baby Ninja is PINK or BLUE! – STAY TUNED!). Unfortunately, the food aversions aren’t completely…

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“My Disease is Worse than Yours!!!”

“My Disease is Worse than Yours!!!” Person Number One: I’m having a really hard time. The doctor put me on Prednisone again. This is my second time in two years! Person Number Two: Big deal! I’ve been on the stuff for two years straight with no sign of getting off of them anytime soon. Person Number Three: Well, you…

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