About Colitis Ninja

Why was Colitis Ninja started?
I started writing Colitis Ninja for therapeutic reasons. Before long I noticed that the little ninja didn’t only help me–she helped others cope with IBD. She became a symbol of hope and helped put a face on the invisible battle that millions of people fight every day.
The Mission
Rather than encouraging people to feel sorry for us, Colitis Ninja seeks to inspire others and help them laugh in the midst of their pain. Our strength comes from our battles, and that’s admirable. We can and will overcome our diseases… if not by total healing, by learning how to cope and adjust our lives. You can find happiness and hope despite your struggles. You can have a life outside your disease.
Colitis Ninja also seeks to help patients and their families understand IBD better. Crohn’s and UC aren’t just “poop diseases.” People with IBD are in a daily battle, yet they go through life attempting to be “normal.” Here you can find stories, articles, information about medication, support, etc.
About the Founder

The Lady Behind the Mask
Amber became a ninja in 2011 when she began her battle with ulcerative colitis. In 2013, her colon declared an all out war against her. She began documenting the adventures of the Colitis Ninja and her battle with Toxic Megacolon and his ilk in March of 2014. After a year-long flare in April of 2014, Amber destroyed her evil, rebellious colon and has been sporting a happy, healthy j-pouch since July of 2014.
Amber’s mission is to support others living with IBD. She does this with blog posts of personal experiences filled with detailed graphics. You’ll also find posts of other patient experiences. Every IBD ninja should equip themselves with hope and information. Every IBD ninja needs to know that they are not alone.
Personal Life
Since the birth of her first child in 2017, much of Amber’s efforts have been put into providing personal patient support via email, Instagram and Facebook. In her spare time, she has been writing and illustrating a graphic novel based on her own story of living with ulcerative colitis.

Amber, David & Baby Ninja
Amber is married to author D.M. Elder of the Zyndervyne series. Together, they have a daughter (known as Baby Ninja) who was born in August of 2017. She also has two fur babies: Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (Mr. Darcy, for short) and Bram Stoker, who are both cats.
CONTACT: colitisninja@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL. All views expressed are my own. This blog does not offer medical advice or give advice about how to treat any diseases (especially those that relate to Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis). Colitis Ninja cannot diagnose any disease. All posts are written from personal experiences and opinions. Colitis Ninja seeks only to encourage and inspire those suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. As of now, there is no cure for Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis. Treatment for your disease should always be discussed with your doctor. Only you and your doctor can know how best to treat your condition. All items, foods, medicines, creams, or any consumer-based product mentioned on this blog should be discussed with your doctor or medical professional before use or consumption. Colitis Ninja cannot be held responsible for any product used based off of my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media or digital platforms. You may use anything from this site or other Colitis Ninja platforms for PERSONAL USE or AWARENESS ONLY. Feel free to share, use, Tweet, Retweet or post any photos, articles or any other content from this site, but please give proper credit to Colitis Ninja. Please do not remove logo or watermarks. © Copyright Amber Elder, Colitis Ninja 2023. All rights reserved.