
Last week I (along with several other advocates) was given the amazing opportunity to tour Janssen’s labs where they produce Remicade. It was an absolutely incredible experience and today I want to tell you a little bit about it and how it was a big eye-opener for me. Upon meeting several Janssen employees and the president, Michael Yang, the…

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The False Sense of Security in Diagnosis

This past week on the 16th, I hit a milestone. I have officially been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for five years now. It’s hard to believe that much time has gone by since then. A lot has changed in my life. I have changed. I went through my Facebook posts of life post-diagnosis. I was very naive. Being told that…

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Loving a Prednisone Psycho

So, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. There are definitely divided opinions on the holiday. Some despise it because they are forced to watch all the star-crossed lovers get all lovey-dovey. I know because I was one of those people at one point in time. Then there are those who, for whatever reason, like to vandalize it for everybody else by talking…

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The Dangers of Miracle Cures

“I drank coconut juice for two weeks and cured my Crohn’s Disease!” “My cousin cured his colitis by taking slippery elm!” “When I cut out dairy, it cured my IBD!!!” How many of you have heard phrases similar to these? If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times. Have you tried…? It will CURE you! All these “cures” and home…

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