23andMe – Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Study

23andMe and Pfizer are looking for research participants who live in the United States and have Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis! Why? Because it has been proven that genetics play a big role in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. In an attempt to find a way to best treat IBD, they’ve joined forces to study 10,000 volunteers. This research could benefit Crohn’s and UC…

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The Inception of a Ninja

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” –Seneca On March 18th, 2014 I ended a chapter in my life. The chapter of my life that began with a miserable and broken girl who was completely controlled by a horrific disease called ulcerative colitis. I was depressed. I moped around the house with absolutely no energy and no…

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M:IBD – Laughter Protocol

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are not diseases to be taken lightly. Our suffering is great. Our pain is real. And let’s not even get into the embarrassment of the situations that our bodies often cause. It isn’t easy to laugh while we’re lying in a hospital bed, pumped up on Prednisone, unable to move in fear of running…

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It’s Not About the Toilet.

People with Crohn’s and UC talk about poop… a lot. We make bathroom jokes and enjoy good/awkward potty humor. Why? Because if you can’t laugh at yourself and your situation you’ll be miserable. It is true that poop plays a part in our diseases… but it isn’t poop that makes us sick. Inflammatory bowel diseases are just that! Inflamed,…

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