For better, for worse. In sickness and in–uh, never mind.

“FEBRUARY 13, 2011 Inquiring minds want to know… Alright, everyone. I realize not all of you know my current situation. And I’m sorry. I’ve been a little under the weather and busy trying to get better. Here’s what’s going on… About a month and a half ago, I started having some digestive issues that got worse. I went to…

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So you’ve been diagnosed with an incurable disease. Now what?

Dear New Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Diagnosis… If you are reading this, that means you are probably scouring the internet for every piece of information you can about your disease. You’ve probably been researching natural remedies or reading about miracle cures and diets. You’ve been reading up on the various treatment options (some of which sound really scary)….

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3 Things My Ostomy Gave Me

Today is World Ostomy Day. Some may scoff and say, “Why on earth do we need to recognize a day like today?” I would tell you, it’s for that very reason. There’s a big stigma associated with having an ostomy that sadly still stands today. Earlier this year you may remember a certain commercial in which a woman paints…

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Restroom Access Cards

Back when I was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, I came across There I found a FREE Restroom Access Card. I was elated to have another tool in my IBD belt to help me when I was in need. I loved that it was professional looking. I loved that it was made of PLASTIC and therefore durable. I…

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