Scars: Symbols of Shame? Or Badges of Honor?

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls;  the most massive characters are seared with scars.” –Khalil Gibran I remember growing up seeing a scar on my mother’s abdomen. It’s a large scar to the left of her navel about 10 inches in length. It looks as though someone took a crude knife to her abdomen. My mother had…

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Happy Birthday, #GetYourBellyOut!

It was a year ago today that I discovered the #GetYourBellyOut campaign. It started off with one girl, named Sahara who was raising money for IBD. Wanting to participate and be a part of something in the name of IBD awareness, I decided to get my belly out, too! It was about that time that I met @colitisandme. A…

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