7 Ways to Spot a Fake Cure or Treatment

How to Spot a Snake Oil Salesman The internet is a great place to find information on pretty much anything you want to learn about. It is also a great tool in connecting people. I absolutely love all the benefits I have gotten from the internet through the years. But like anything, the internet also has its flaws. For example, anyone…

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“My Disease is Worse than Yours!!!”

“My Disease is Worse than Yours!!!” Person Number One: I’m having a really hard time. The doctor put me on Prednisone again. This is my second time in two years! Person Number Two: Big deal! I’ve been on the stuff for two years straight with no sign of getting off of them anytime soon. Person Number Three: Well, you…

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The Dangers of Miracle Cures

“I drank coconut juice for two weeks and cured my Crohn’s Disease!” “My cousin cured his colitis by taking slippery elm!” “When I cut out dairy, it cured my IBD!!!” How many of you have heard phrases similar to these? If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times. Have you tried…? It will CURE you! All these “cures” and home…

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