Looking Back at 3 Years Ago

Me? A Mom? I’ve never really thought of myself as the motherly type. Don’t get me wrong; babies are cute and all that. But I’ve never been drawn to them like most women are. I don’t go ga ga whenever I see a random baby.  I’ve never had baby fever. In fact, the maternal pull seems to have skipped…

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J-Pouches Through the Ages

This month begins my series on J-Pouches. I have spent many months researching and many hours putting all these posts together to get a better understanding of J-Pouches so that I might share the information with you. I hope that you enjoy my five-part series on the J-Pouch. This week I share J-Pouch History. J-Pouch History 1933 The first attempted…

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Mama Ninja Tells All!

So this week I want to talk to you about Mama Ninja. I got the scoop from her about her diagnosis story and permission to share it with you guys! Enjoy this Q & A session… *** Colitis Ninja (CN): How old were you when you started getting symptoms? Mama Ninja (MN): The first I remember having symptoms, I was about…

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HFactor: Hydrogen-infused Water

HFactor: Hydrogen-infused Water I was given six packets of HFactor water to review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers Network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by any of the companies. I will always give you an open, honest review of the product. Remember, any products listed on this website…

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