5 Tips to Survive the Summer with IBD

Well, we’ve finally gotten into the summer months and for most people it’s a time to party and have fun. For many with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, it can be somewhat of a hassle. Your risk for dehydration goes up, and you have to deal with the stress of travel. Summertime has long been associated with vacationing and…

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Last week I (along with several other advocates) was given the amazing opportunity to tour Janssen’s labs where they produce Remicade. It was an absolutely incredible experience and today I want to tell you a little bit about it and how it was a big eye-opener for me. Upon meeting several Janssen employees and the president, Michael Yang, the…

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The Dangers of Miracle Cures

“I drank coconut juice for two weeks and cured my Crohn’s Disease!” “My cousin cured his colitis by taking slippery elm!” “When I cut out dairy, it cured my IBD!!!” How many of you have heard phrases similar to these? If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times. Have you tried…? It will CURE you! All these “cures” and home…

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Patient-Driven Research. What!?

If you’re like me, when you think about research, you think of doctors and scientists that are higher up in the hierarchy of life who come up with the areas of research, conduct the studies and then come back and inform us of the results. Very disconnected. Oftentimes I feel like an outsider looking in. At least there’s research…

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