Invisible Illness Awareness Week

Invisible Illness – What You Need to Know The The National Health Council estimates that around 133 million adults live with a chronic illness. Many refer to chronic illnesses as an “invisible illness” because they cannot be detected by the untrained eye… even then, they’re difficult to spot, diagnose, and treat. Isolation Many patients live silently with their disease….

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The Dangers of Miracle Cures

“I drank coconut juice for two weeks and cured my Crohn’s Disease!” “My cousin cured his colitis by taking slippery elm!” “When I cut out dairy, it cured my IBD!!!” How many of you have heard phrases similar to these? If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times. Have you tried…? It will CURE you! All these “cures” and home…

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Work, Colitis Ninja & Poll Results

This week I am feeling completely wiped out. I am not sure if it is because of a B-12 deficiency or because my day job has been robbing me of most of my free time. For the past three weeks I have been working overtime (and even weekends!) trying to get a large project finished. I’ve barely had enough…

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