Mama Ninja Tells All!

So this week I want to talk to you about Mama Ninja. I got the scoop from her about her diagnosis story and permission to share it with you guys! Enjoy this Q & A session… *** Colitis Ninja (CN): How old were you when you started getting symptoms? Mama Ninja (MN): The first I remember having symptoms, I was about…

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The Dangers of Miracle Cures

“I drank coconut juice for two weeks and cured my Crohn’s Disease!” “My cousin cured his colitis by taking slippery elm!” “When I cut out dairy, it cured my IBD!!!” How many of you have heard phrases similar to these? If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times. Have you tried…? It will CURE you! All these “cures” and home…

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So you’ve been diagnosed with an incurable disease. Now what?

Dear New Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Diagnosis… If you are reading this, that means you are probably scouring the internet for every piece of information you can about your disease. You’ve probably been researching natural remedies or reading about miracle cures and diets. You’ve been reading up on the various treatment options (some of which sound really scary)….

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