Can Diet Induce Remission?

Can the Specific Carbohydrate Diet induce remission in IBD? I’ve stated it many times before. Diet is an extremely sensitive issue for many people living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. For different reasons. Some pine for the days when they were able to eat whatever they wanted without consequences. Others get upset because people slap them in the face with…

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Last week I (along with several other advocates) was given the amazing opportunity to tour Janssen’s labs where they produce Remicade. It was an absolutely incredible experience and today I want to tell you a little bit about it and how it was a big eye-opener for me. Upon meeting several Janssen employees and the president, Michael Yang, the…

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The False Sense of Security in Diagnosis

This past week on the 16th, I hit a milestone. I have officially been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for five years now. It’s hard to believe that much time has gone by since then. A lot has changed in my life. I have changed. I went through my Facebook posts of life post-diagnosis. I was very naive. Being told that…

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Loving a Prednisone Psycho

So, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. There are definitely divided opinions on the holiday. Some despise it because they are forced to watch all the star-crossed lovers get all lovey-dovey. I know because I was one of those people at one point in time. Then there are those who, for whatever reason, like to vandalize it for everybody else by talking…

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