Work, Colitis Ninja & Poll Results

This week I am feeling completely wiped out. I am not sure if it is because of a B-12 deficiency or because my day job has been robbing me of most of my free time. For the past three weeks I have been working overtime (and even weekends!) trying to get a large project finished. I’ve barely had enough…

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Awareness and Diversity

There’s been a lot of talk about IBD awareness lately. Everyone has an opinion on how it should be done and what kind of campaigns should be started. Some people find certain campaigns offensive, while others find them to be excellent ideas. Thursday, my grandmother told me about an 11-year-old girl who is currently in the hospital with Ulcerative…

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5 1/2 Weeks

WARNING: This post contains a few details associated with the aftermath of the IPAA surgery. Please avert your eyes from reading this post if you are sensitive to gross details.Hello again, my friends! Last weekend was my birthday and I was spending some time out of town. I had some coffee (and it didn’t hurt me!!!) and some wine…

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