Looking Back at 3 Years Ago

Me? A Mom? I’ve never really thought of myself as the motherly type. Don’t get me wrong; babies are cute and all that. But I’ve never been drawn to them like most women are. I don’t go ga ga whenever I see a random baby.  I’ve never had baby fever. In fact, the maternal pull seems to have skipped…

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UC Can Take My Colon, But I Won’t Quit – Heather’s Story

INTRODUCTION: This week, I’d like to introduce you to Colitis Mama, Heather Bernard. I absolutely love reading diagnosis stories. They help me to feel less alone and make me realize just how strong people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease are. Through it all, Heather managed to get married and have a beautiful son. The judges have awarded her as the 1st Place Winner in the…

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A Small Price to Pay – Erika’s Story

INTRODUCTION: This week, I’d like to introduce you to photographer Erika Montoya. I was so touched to read Erika’s story. Her first colonoscopy was at just 15 years old!!! Like too many others, she has been through many trials as she was placed on this journey with ulcerative colitis. The judges have claimed her as the 2nd Place Winner in the #IBDninja Prize Pack…

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Anonymously Brave: Poo is Taboo

Anonymously Brave: Poo is Taboo This week my story was featured on the Today Show’s website and Facebook page. The week before last, Susan James called me for an interview. At the time, I didn’t think much of it… I’ve been interviewed before, but most of those interviews were for smaller, lesser-known websites. Never anything so well-known as the…

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