The Importance of a Medical Alert ID

Medical Alert IDs Today I want to write about something that has been on my mind for a while: Medical ID Cards and Medical ID Jewelry. I highly recommend you consider investing in a Medical Alert ID of some kind. After being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, it never occurred to me to consider carrying around a list of medications. Let alone a…

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Patient-Driven Research. What!?

If you’re like me, when you think about research, you think of doctors and scientists that are higher up in the hierarchy of life who come up with the areas of research, conduct the studies and then come back and inform us of the results. Very disconnected. Oftentimes I feel like an outsider looking in. At least there’s research…

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Happy Birthday, #GetYourBellyOut!

It was a year ago today that I discovered the #GetYourBellyOut campaign. It started off with one girl, named Sahara who was raising money for IBD. Wanting to participate and be a part of something in the name of IBD awareness, I decided to get my belly out, too! It was about that time that I met @colitisandme. A…

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“Oh! So you poop a lot…?”“Yeah, I had a really bad stomach bug last year, I know exactly how you feel.”“You don’t look sick…”Phrases like these can make any person with Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis furious. These phrases, on the surface, can seem demeaning, insulting and downright hurtful. My response to this? Don’t be too hard on these…

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