You CAN Have a “Normal” Life with Ulcerative Colitis

You CAN Have a Normal Life with UC Lately I haven’t been very reliable when it comes to raising awareness and advocacy. My excuse is that it all boils down to one phrase: life happens. Before November 2016 I was always involved and active in the IBD community. I am passionate about supporting others with ulcerative colitis–especially new j-pouchers. Then my life changed…

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Invisible Illness Awareness Week

Invisible Illness – What You Need to Know The The National Health Council estimates that around 133 million adults live with a chronic illness. Many refer to chronic illnesses as an “invisible illness” because they cannot be detected by the untrained eye… even then, they’re difficult to spot, diagnose, and treat. Isolation Many patients live silently with their disease….

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Anonymously Brave: Poo is Taboo

Anonymously Brave: Poo is Taboo This week my story was featured on the Today Show’s website and Facebook page. The week before last, Susan James called me for an interview. At the time, I didn’t think much of it… I’ve been interviewed before, but most of those interviews were for smaller, lesser-known websites. Never anything so well-known as the…

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