“Villainy wears many masks; none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.”
–Washington Irving
“Doesn’t matter what the press says. Doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn’t matter if the whole country decides something wrong is right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world–‘No, you move.’”
–Captain America
In the Beginning I Wore a Ninja Mask
I began blogging in March of 2014. Support in the IBD community then was incredible. We united for the cause of raising awareness of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis. That time in my life was encouraging and uplifting. The friends I made then are still dear to me today. In 2013 God placed the IBD community in my life so that I might have the hope needed to get through my surgeries.
Advocacy was in its prime between 2014 and 2019. And then 2020 hit. Not only did we deal with a new virus, but political tensions heightened and massive divisions crept in. Advocacy is changing. Because of this, the community is no longer unified in its mission to destroy stigmas and taboos. In other words, advocacy is being politicized.
Driving Wedges
Instead of seeing each other for who we are–Ninjas fighting a vicious disease together–we are segregating by race, sexuality, gender, and political ideologies. Many follow after the mainstream narratives; they put those who disagree with them in a different “class.” Some in the community demonize those who don’t wear masks. People are ostracized because of their choices.
By the way, since when did our medical procedures/decisions become everyone else’s business?
As a result, for two years the whole world watched the bickering, the rage, the name-calling, and derision on endless display. Some relationships died due to differences in opinions. We see the cancerous Cancel Culture going to war against those with opposing views. People call for those who don’t agree with a set narrative to be silenced. Individual freedoms and rights are being stripped away. We aren’t allowed to ask legitimate questions anymore. Why? Because it threatens the narrative? One has to wonder.
Isolation, Loneliness, Depression
People are locked in their homes; driven by fear. It isn’t beneficial. And as it turns out, it isn’t healthy either. Talking heads tell us to “follow the science.” But the “science” changes day-by-day to fit whatever narrative the media shoves down our throats.
The media praises groups of people who call for division, cause violence, destroy communities, and burn down cities. On the opposite side, the media skews and spins the information; they say those who peacefully gather to fight for freedom of medical choice, body sovereignty, and the end of devastating lockdowns are terrorists. I don’t believe the media–on either side. They all have an agenda (And NO, I’m NOT a QAnon person! I don’t even know what QAnon is!).
Follow the Breadcrumbs, Not the Narratives
I won’t be silent on the issues I believe in and value. I will not hold my tongue in fear of the mob. Instead, I’ll declare what I believe boldly and unashamedly.
We cannot stand and watch our political think tanks call for segregation and ask for people’s “papers.” Why are we forcing our children into muzzles? Doing so takes away the warmth that only comes from human affection and smiling faces. This, my friends, is at its base-level, fear-mongering. At its worst, it’s child abuse.
Look around–you’ll notice an increase in virtue signaling. The Elites in our society stage photo-ops while receiving medical treatments and wearing masks. These same people take off the masks, do not follow social distancing rules, and gather freely when (they think) the cameras aren’t rolling. We the peasants must cower in fear and do as The Ruling Class says, not as they do. Hypocrisy is on full display.
Take Off the Mask and Be Yourself
After all that has happened, I cannot in good conscience go on pretending to be something I’m not. I am who God created me to be. I’m a fighter and free-thinker. Instead, I stand with those on the side of freedom (i.e. choice of one’s medical treatments). We cannot sit and watch the rise of suicide and people’s livelihoods destroyed due to shutdowns/lockdowns. I proudly stand with those who choose not to wear masks–or cannot wear masks for medical or traumatic reasons (YES, THOSE EXIST).
Above all, I stand on the side of those willing to think for themselves. And to those who value CHOICES in medical care, you have my unwavering support. (PS: Forcing people to undergo a certain medical procedure or lose their jobs is by definition COERCION.)
Want to wear a mask? By all means, do it! If you choose certain medical treatments (popular or not), that’s cool, too. I, however, am hanging up my mask; it doesn’t represent what it used to. It’s possible that I will get kicked off of the “woke” social media sites. In the event that I do, I’m registered on platforms that claim to value free speech. We should all support platforms that value open, honest dialogue.
I’m Moving On
For this reason I will begin posting content to places like Parler, Gab, MeWe, Telegram, Gettr, Clout Hub, Rumble, and anywhere else people are allowed to speak freely. You’ll be able to find me via my usual username (@ColitisNinja). I will continue to create a Graphic Novel for the IBD community. The Restroom Cards and J-Pouch cards are available on my blog for the time being.
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Above all, I welcome anyone and everyone to follow me on the above platforms. I accept all; no matter your race, religion, sexuality, political leanings, etcetera. Colitis Ninja is here (as always) to provide support, encouragement, and laughter for anyone who needs it. If you agree with me, AWESOME! If not, I am not the Ninja you’re looking for…
In conclusion, this is Colitis Ninja encouraging every freedom-loving person out there to take a stand and not bow to the religion of wokeness and division. Rise up, guys! Plant yourselves near the river of truth and tell the whole world, “No, YOU move.”
IBD community support is all but dead compared to what it was and it’s primarily because of politics. Although it started much earlier than 2020. 2015 is when I felt it. I remember because as my diagnosis changed the support I gave was not being returned. I sensed it very early after finding the IBD community when a celebrity’s political stance or who they aimed the comment at would excuse an ostomy bag comment or make it the worst thing anyone could’ve said.
By 2020 it not being polite to talk politics or religion was thrown out of all aspects of life not just online life.
I agree. Whole-heartedly.