Happy Birthday, Colitis Ninja!
Hey guys!!! I can’t believe that on March 18th, it will be THREE YEARS since I began blogging. So many things have happened since the Inception of the Ninja… I’m overwhelmed at the support and how much she has “grown” since then. It’s been an incredible experience and I honestly can’t imagine doing anything else. In honor of Colitis Ninja’s 3rd Birthday, I’m doing some really fun stuff and I want to tell you all about it!!!
I’ve also created a couple of new items to purchase from my Zazzle Store. A new mug and t-shirt. Check them out:
I also have some new wristband designs and colors. They will read “#IBDninja” and will come in black, purple, and marbled pink and purple! The purple and marbled ones come in standard and small sizes. I’ll let you know as soon as they’re available for purchase!
Beginning March 11, 2017, you have the chance of winning one of THREE #IBDninja prize packs!!! From March 11 – March 18th, I’m asking my Twitter and Instagram followers to use the hashtag #IBDninja to help raise awareness for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. You can post UP TO TEN TIMES A DAY during the week of March 11th and get your name in the drawing to win one of THREE #IBDninja prize packs. On March 19th, I will draw THREE winners! It’s going to be AWESOME! SUBSCRIBERS of my eNewsletter will be entered 25 extra times automatically!
What’s in the prize pack, you ask? Here are just a few of the items:
• Calmoseptine Samples
• Drip Drop Samples
• An #IBDninja Wristband
• A Colon Keychain from I Heart Guts
• Gift Certificate to The Great Bowel Movement
…and MORE!
To top it all off, I will be posting a gender reveal video announcing the gender of Baby Ninja! How cool is that?! Keep your eyes peeled for the link on March 18th as well! It’s going to be awesome!
Ok, some things have come up to keep me from finishing off CN’s birthday celebrations as I’d planned. It’s a long story, so I’ll keep the details to a minimum.
FIRST: The release of the gender reveal video for Baby Ninja has been delayed until Monday. We are trying to get in contact with several family members to inform them first! But it’s still happening, I promise.
That’s all for now! Thank you for helping me make CN’s celebrations special. YOU GUYS ROCK!
Happiest and Blessed Birthday 🎉 and Gender Reveal!!
Thank you very much!