Organic Aromas

DISCLAIMER: I was given the Radiance Essential Oil Diffuser and the Organic Aromas Signature Blend to review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers Network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by any of the companies. I will always give you an open, honest review of the product. Remember, any products listed on this website that you decide to try is your own decision. Colitis Ninja will not be held liable for any results that come from using any of the products that I have reviewed. For more details, read my disclaimer.

Organic Aromas Review


Essential oils is something that I’ve heard about throughout most of my adult life. Google the term “essential oils benefits” and you’ll get about 911,000 results. There are many benefit claims attached to essential oils and my friends rave about their abilities to calm their unruly children, soothe their allergies or help them to sleep at night. I’d always been curious to try them, but honestly, I didn’t know where to start. So, naturally I was really excited to be given the opportunity by Organic Aromas and the Chronic Illness Bloggers Network.


I wasn’t sure what exactly to expect when my package arrived. I thought I would just get a set of essential oils. But I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to use them. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find a large package on my doorstep that contained not only a bottle of Organic Aroma’s Signature Blend oil, but also a beautifully and well-packaged diffuser.

Upon receiving the package, I ran to my bedroom to show my husband. I opened the box to see a glass bottle that was shaped a lot like those really fancy perfume bottles you can buy in souvenir shops. It was snugly packaged in a box and padded by gray foam. They take their shipping and handling seriously! Not only did they send the diffuser, but they also sent some droppers to use for cleaning my diffuser.

Setup & First Use

I was able to set up my diffuser in about 5 minutes with their easy-to-read and understand instructions. I was enthralled at how pretty it was and was very excited when I turned it on and was given a tiny light show on my desktop. Watching the lights and listening to the gentle hum of the diffuser is downright mesmerizing. My husband and I both Oohed and Ahhhed over it for a few moments.

“It’s so pretty!” I exclaimed. I fell in love with the aesthetics of it instantly.

The Aromatic Oils

The next thing I noticed was how great the oil smelled. I can’t describe it really, except to say that it was very soothing. Not too floral, not too fruity. It wasn’t overpowering or too subtle. It was just right. I like to run it at least once a day. I feel like it really helps me focus when I’ve got a lot of work to do. Plus, it makes my room smell really nice without having to light a candle. I love it!

Other Oils

I was curious to see how well the diffuser handled other oils so I went out and bought a couple of jars. One for “energizing” another for “relaxing sleep.” Honestly, being on a tight budget, I found the cheapest oils I could find. Neither of the oils smelled as good as the Signature Blend, but they were pleasant, all the same. The diffuser handled the oils very well. And I was also given the tip to dilute the thicker oils with sweet almond oil or use them in a blend as the oils work better that way.

Soothing, Comforting, Relaxing

All in all, I found the oil and the diffuser to be very relaxing, soothing and comforting. Relaxation and comfort are hard to come by when you live with a chronic illness. And while these oils won’t cure you of your Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, they will soothe your mood and make you feel more relaxed. If you ask me, any amount of help to relieve me of my stress levels is welcome. No matter how big or small it might be.

My husband also really enjoyed coming home to a room filled with essential oils after a stressful day of work. A couple of weeks ago, I was having a really bad day and my husband came in and turned on my diffuser. It made me smile and eventually I calmed down.

I use the Signature Blend and the off-brand energizing oils during the day and right before bed, I used the relaxing sleep off-brand. Having essential oils really helps set the mood of a productive day and a restful evening and I really appreciate that.


So, if you’re in the market for a quality diffuser or if you are looking to try essential oils, I would highly recommend Organic Aromas. Their staff are friendly, open,  and willing to answer any questions you have. Plus, they have a great product! I even found out one of my other IBD friends uses them and loves their products, too!

You can find Organic Aromas on or on their website. Feel free to follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.