Gearing Up – Exciting things for the IBD community.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Excitement

Many of you know that two weeks ago, my husband and I both lost our jobs. We are going through a big transition and a lot of things are happening here that would not be possible had it not been for that, so, I consider it almost a good thing. I’ve been doing several side jobs and getting my house in order. I’ve also been working on updating my website (if you couldn’t tell).

David, my husband, has a job opportunity that we are kind of hoping pans out in our favor, so if you would, please send positive thoughts and prayers our way next week. He’s gearing up for two phone interviews and (possibly) an in-person interview. I am kind of scared (all new things are scary), but at the same time, I am excited.

I have been continuing to work on various side projects to earn a little extra cash (incidentally, if you need a logo, email me and we can discuss a price).

The website, as you can see, has been under major renovations. There are several kinks I need to work out, but I am getting there and very excited. If you signed up to be notified of when a new blog post comes out before I moved my website, I’m sorry to say that you will probably need to do so again. To do that, you can click this link.

There are several other projects in the works that I want so desperately to tell you about, but for now, I must refrain until things are set in stone… sometime early next year.

During my downtime, I’ve been working on a lot of stuff for Colitis Ninja. I’m overwhelmed about how well the Restroom Access Cards are doing (to get yours, click here). I’ve also got several wristbands for sale. These two items are what help fund this website, care packages for kids and various other awareness projects. I really appreciate your support–more than you realize.

One final note before I leave, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America is gearing up for Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness week (December 1-7). They are asking for our help! Their plan is to send out a Thunderclap. For more information on that, click here. They are hoping to get at least 250 participants by December 1st, so let’s show the internet what we (IBD ninjas) are made of! I’ve already scheduled my Tweets and Posts for that day. Please consider joining us. It only takes a moment of your time to schedule a post.

Thanks so much again for your support and patience as I make the switch from Blogger to WordPress. Please let me know of any problems your encounter on the website.