#HAWMC: Day 5, “Breaking News”

Breaking News. The top story of today is… YOU. Share with your readers your proudest accomplishments in the last 5 years. Don’t be shy, tell us everything! #HAWMC

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of talking about myself. This is not why I started my blog. Wordless Wednesday was a “selfie. Next, we had the “Key to Happiness.” Today, I am to talk about myself and my accomplishments.

I could go into talking about marrying the man of my dreams. But I’ve already done that. I could tell you about purchasing my first house, but I’ve done that, too.

I think instead of telling you of my proudest accomplishments, again, I’ll tell you about an accomplishment that my husband has achieved. This post will be a sort of two parter. Today, I’ll be introducing a big dream that he is seeing become a reality. Tomorrow, I will cover the topic for the #HAWMC challenge, “Your Hero,” and introduce you to the crazy, yet amazing man I call my husband.

For 20+ years, my husband has had a dream to write and publish a book. He’s spent the last several years writing this book. He’s had many struggles along the way. Katrina destroyed his home, he’s changed jobs a few times. Then he met me, and my health issues delayed the publishing of his book for a few years. He lost his inspiration along the way as I was lying sick in a hospital bed.

At long last in less than two weeks, my husband is publishing part one of book one in the Zyndervyne series. It’s called “Origin of Souls: Part One – A Tangled Vyne of Truth & Lore.” For the first two weeks that it’s going on sale, he’s donating 50% of his proceeds to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. For information on that, click here. I am so proud of him for going after his dreams. I will support him and encourage him in any way that I can. And he supports me, too… but I’ll get into that tomorrow when I explain WHY he’s my hero.
Take care!