#HAWMC: Day 23, “Activist’s Choice”

CHALLENGE: Health Activist Choice. Write about whatever you like! Got a great story, opinion, or trip to share? Tell us here. #HAWMC

“In a few days’ time you will run into a young man and his sister (…)

You must help them escape…”

These are words from the prologue of my husband’s new book. What does this have to do with IBD? A good bit actually.

My husband has spent a lot of time writing the first installment in his fantasy series, Zyndervyne. It’s only part one of a four-part novel, but so far, I love it (PS. The Epilogue is my favorite).

He began writing this story after college. He had a full-time job so he’s had to work on the book during his lunch breaks and weekends. Not only that, but he’s had to put the project on hold multiple times. He was a hurricane Katrina evacuee, and then he met me and my disease put both of our lives on hold several times.

Um, ok, but I still don’t know what this has to do with IBD!
From now until April 28th, 50% of all proceeds go to benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. AND, as an added bonus, you can win some prizes (an iPad Air 2, an #IBDninja t-shirt AND an #IBDninja wristband (email me for more details). All you have to do is buy the book and leave a review (click here to buy the book on Kindle for $2.99)!
Amber, seriously, why are you writing about this?

A number of reasons. The first being that it benefits the CCFA – an organization that is largely responsible for helping IBD fighters get the proper medications.
Secondly, it benefits my husband. This man has been amazing during my worst days with IBD. He has driven three hours in the middle of the night just to sit with me and make sure I didn’t have to go to the ER. He was my biggest advocate when I was too weak. He called doctors, nurses, pharmacies, etc. and if things didn’t get done in a timely manner, he let ’em have it. He stood by my side after diagnosis, in my worst flares, during my crazy remission experiments and all my surgeries and hospital stays. He dealt with the Prednisone monster on more occasions than I wish to share. He’s also had to stare square in the face of Filch, the abscess (which, BTW, was 2 inches deep). Did I mention, he changed those wound dressings for me day and night for nearly two months? Why? Because I’m a chicken, and couldn’t look at it myself. I could NEVER repay him for all he’s done for me. The best I can do is support his dreams… and that is to one day write full time. This man means the world to me.
He’s halfway to reaching his goal of selling 100 books for the CCFA. I am asking you to help me spread the word about it so that Dave can reach his goal. I mean, you could win an iPad Air 2!!! Please consider helping us out. I know he would appreciate it a lot. And so would I.