#HAWMC: Day 03, “Good Samaritan”

“Good Samaritan
We love random acts of kindness. Write about a time that you benefitted from the kindness of a stranger, or a time when you were the one extending a helping hand. How did you feel? #HAWMC”

When I think about Random Acts of Kindness, I think back to last year when I had my colectomy. My colon was removed last year on tax day. I was so afraid and scared… uncertain of everything… Dave, my husband, and I had just joined a new church. Beyond our two friends and the pastor of the church, we didn’t know anyone.

When I got home from surgery, cards, stuffed animals and food (for my hubby) were brought over from complete strangers. These people didn’t know me from Adam, but they took the time to let me know that they were thinking about me and praying for me.

It was humbling and touching to know that these people, who really had no reason to care, took time out of their busy schedules to let me know that I wasn’t alone and that if I ever needed anything that they were there for me. I wish that somehow I could return every favor… I know that I got at least a hundred different Get Well cards.

With all the negativity going  on in the world today… all the bad apples out there causing pain for others, it’s nice to know that there are still those out there who are making a difference in others’ lives with a simple note card!