Ninja Hiatus!

Hello, friends!!!

I just wanted to let ya’ll know that I will be taking a break for the rest of February. I will continue my regular blog posts, but I may not be found on Twitter or Facebook… and possibly Instagram for the next couple of weeks. I am taking some time away from social media to reflect and think about some new projects for Colitis Ninja. These projects include blog posts, contests, possible Google Hangouts, etc. Sunday night I was doing my weekly resource, quote, video, etc. gathering when I found myself getting stressed. I’ve recently moved, been recovering from surgery (you’d be surprised how long recovery takes!!!), dealing with a sick hubby, a bigger household, a new church, my day job, and planning SEVERAL super-secret projects that I cannot tell you about until later on. 🙂

I will be returning at the beginning of March for Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. And also, my 1 Year Bloggiversary!!! Complete with GIVEAWAYS!!! Thanks for all your support and kind words. I want you to know that I am not going to leave any of you hanging. Please allow me to introduce my IBD “assistants” or IBD side-kicks, if you will.

First, there’s Flareuphope. She’s a super Colitis Yogi with a sweet spirit and encouraging nature. She’s got Ulcerative Colitis and she loves to help others any way she can.

Next we have Sarah. She’s feisty, she’s friendly, and she’s fiercely battling Ulcerative Colitis. She is an IBD Warrior Princess. If you don’t know her, you’re missing out.
Last but not least, we have Twisted. He’s friendly, smart and also has Ulcerative Colitis. He’s always fun to talk to and knows a lot about the SCD diet. Also, he’s the Colitis Samurai.
During my hiatus, these lovely people will be here to answer your questions, give you support and encouragement. They’re fun to talk with and are always making me laugh.
You can also email me anytime. Just click the icon on your right.
Finally, I would really appreciate it if you’d help me with a poll I’ve put together for my blog. I want to help you in the best way possible, so if you could fill it out and tell me how I’m doing and what you’d like to see happen with it, I would very much appreciate it.