A Positive Spin

Knocking out a Prednisone Zombie.
A week from tomorrow I will be on a clear liquid diet in preparation for my surgery. I won’t deny the fact that I’m nervous about it all. I’ve shed a few tears. I’ve been doing my best to prepare for everything.
I cooked all weekend. I think I have plenty of food in our freezer for both my husband and myself to survive while I’m in recovery. I’ve deep cleaned the house in preparation for all the company that’s coming in to be with me during my surgery (at least TEN people will be waiting for me in the waiting room!).
Next weekend will be spent celebrating the marriage of my sister. And after that, it’s surgery time.
I’ve decided that instead of thinking about all the scary, creepy, icky things that will be happening to me, I will look to the future at all good things that SHOULD come out of all this. AND THEY ARE:
1) I will be able to grow my hair out long again (been losing it due to the Prednisone so I whacked it all off).
2) Exercise! Comfortable exercise. I won’t have to worry about my bowels torturing me or the fluid that builds up on my knees causing discomfort/weakness. 
3) The possibility of me FINALLY achieving my black belt. UC robbed me of that opportunity THREE years ago. I was six months away from my goal before it hit me.
4) Relief from symptoms. I’ve been battling this particular flare for a whole year now and I’m ready for it to be over.
5) A Downton Abbey marathon. I told my husband ages ago that if I ever had to go through surgery, I was going to do this!
6) A Sherlock marathon. I would also like to do this. 
7) Working on more Colitis Ninja projects! I have so many ideas for this blog I can barely contain my excitement.
8) Sharing my experience with others in order to help them through their darkest hours of this disease.
9) The possibility of eating things I haven’t been able to in years… maybe even drinking a cup of coffee now and then–oh how I miss it!
10) Last but certainly not least – GET OFF PREDNISONE. I am gonna burn those dang pills. I have decided that I will physically destroy them by the worst form of torture I can think of.
11) Oh! AND! Coming up with really cool stories about how I got my scars (Think the Joker from Batman – The Dark Knight: “Wanna know how I got these scars?”). OR, being able to say, “My scars are burning… Voldemort must be nearby… or angry…”
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but anyway. I guess I just wanted to attempt to put a positive spin on this crazy scary situation. I have heard so many good things about having surgery. I hope that my experience is a pleasant one as well. I have so many people showering me with love, support and prayers. I am so humbled by all the people in my life who love me.