Invisible Illness Awareness Week

Invisible Illness – What You Need to Know

The The National Health Council estimates that around 133 million adults live with a chronic illness. Many refer to chronic illnesses as an “invisible illness” because they cannot be detected by the untrained eye… even then, they’re difficult to spot, diagnose, and treat.


Many patients live silently with their disease. Diseases often come with stigmas as is the case with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis. The symptoms alone are not spoken of due to embarrassment. For many, symptoms begin in the bathroom. As they say, “poo is taboo” and no one talks about their bowel habits in polite society. Just talking with your doctor about it can be mortifying.

Another problem with the stigmas is that patients often fight their battles alone. We feel isolated by friends or family members who don’t “get it.” And, if they’re honest, they don’t understand and probably never will. Many of us are accused of faking it. Others constantly tell us it’s all in our heads. There are times that even patients believe this lie. I know I do. Another reason for isolation is that patients aren’t open about their problems and often push others away for fear of rejection. Which in turn compounds the issue.

Masters of Disguise

While chronic illness is not always seen, it most assuredly always felt by the patients and their caretakers. Seriously… oftentimes, we battle 24/7 against our invisible enemies (a.k.a. our own bodies). Like ninjas, we are masters of disguise. We learn how to wear our makeup in such a way to cover our tired faces. We learn tricks for fixing our hair (which may not have been washed for several days due to lack of energy). We wear clothes and accessories to cover things like scars, ostomies, PICC lines and chest ports. And we can fake a smile better than an award-winning actress.

Prepared for Everything

You may even run into patients who appear to be prepared for anything. Got a paper cut? They’ll hand you a bandage, disinfectant and an antibiotic ointment. Headache? We’ll have a variety of pain pills to hand you as well. Nausea? No problem there either! We have meds for that, too. Wet wipes? Yep! I know that not all “prepared” people have a chronic illness… but a well-seasoned patient most definitely will.

Life with an Invisible Chronic Illness

Invisible Illness Awareness

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Like any good ninja, a chronic illness patient can masterfully blend into society over time. Some, but not all, are able to hold jobs. We seem calm and collected when you see us at work day-to-day, but you won’t see the night before. Many patients will spend their nights lying awake in pain, begging for sleep to come. Some of them can’t sleep due to the medications they take. Others will spend half the night vomiting their guts out.

On top of the physical aspect of everything, mental health is also affected. Many of us deal with crippling anxiety and worry about what life has in store for us the next day. Some of us are placed on anti-anxiety or anti-depressants. We put on a good face in public, but behind the scenes you may find them worried, anxious and overwhelmed. Medical PTSD is another issue we face and the mere “beep” of a nearby electronic can send us back to days of endless hospitalization.

Medications are another issue. Patients sometimes have trouble managing their medications–especially when taking multiple different medications. There’s also the cost of the medications. Some treatments will cost $5,000 or more per dose. Even with insurance, medications are difficult to afford.


Invisible illness is all around us. More than likely, you know someone who is battling a battle every day. Help raise awareness for invisible illnesses by starting conversations. The more you talk about it, the more awareness can take place. The more awareness that takes place, the better our chances of finding a cure and coming to a better understanding of the needs of patients who feel alone in their battles. To learn more, visit Invisible Disabilities Association’s website.