When Patient Becomes Caregiver

I know I’ve been a little absent lately. There are a lot of things I wanted to accomplish this week. Things kinda started off rough this year and I’m a little uh… stressed? To say the least.

On New Year’s Eve, Dave was diagnosed with prediabetes. This could be caused by a more serious condition that could cause permanent damage to some of his organs. His heart, for example. We are still in the process of trying to get a diagnosis.


Strange being the one in a place of “wellness.” For all of our marriage I’ve been the sick one. Never having to worry about his health. I feel helpless watching Dave as he tries to weed through the information to find what things he’s not supposed to be eating. I don’t like it.

I certainly don’t mind taking care of him… He’s mine and I love him… but it is the idea that my caregiver has now become the patient. Our roles have kind of reversed. Since my surgery, I’ve been in a pretty good place. Comparatively speaking. But now Dave is being hit with a condition. I don’t like having to worry about him.

I guess one thing that’s come out of his being “unwell” is that I understand the frustrations that he went through having a sick wife. It’s crazy! He knew what he was getting into when he asked me to marry him. I had already been diagnosed for six months. But he stuck with me anyway. He’s a great man. I always wanted to somehow “repay” him for all that he did for me–the sleepless nights, the prednisone monster, the ER visits, the “disgusting” aspects of the disease–but this is not exactly how I expected to repay him. I was thinking more like a big vacation.

It’s not just Dave’s health that’s been crazy lately. Our ferret has also been sick. Granted, she’s aging… but Dave really loves that ferret, and when she goes it’s going to be really hard on him. He’s been worried about her all week.

I’m also stressed about work. We are still having a hard time finding jobs. We thought that there was a job opportunity for Dave opening up, but that didn’t come through either and so now we are back at square one.

So far, 2016 has started out on the rough side… and despite the fact that I didn’t get some of the awareness-related items done, all this craziness hasn’t put me at a complete halt. I’ve still been working on some things, it’s just going slower than I’d wanted it to.

This week’s blog post was not supposed to be a personal one (I apologize), but as several people have asked what’s going on, I thought I owed you guys an explanation. Please continue to bear with me as I try to sort out these life annoyances. Hopefully, now that the bottom fell out, I can start the climb back upward and start in on the serious awareness-raising I had planned. Check back NEXT WEEK when I talk about IBD Plexus (the CCFA is doing some pretty great stuff as far as research goes, so be looking for it!).

Thank you for sticking with me. It’s just a crazy time in life. Also, before I go, please take a moment to thank your caregivers. You don’t realize just how much they sacrifice until you experience it first hand.